วันอาทิตย์ที่ 29 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2558

A balance Diet Needs the 7 Food Groups

There are seven food groups to a balanced diet that is required for good health. There are differences of the portions for children under 9 years old and adults. Scaling back on your portions, if the scales creep up more than 5 pounds in a week, is better than omitting any of the 7 food groups of a balanced diet. Keep track, for you and your family, by a well supplied pantry and a menu.

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Milk and dairy products, for children there should be 3 servings, and for adults, 2 servings daily, are one group of a balanced diet. A general cup of whole milk has 160 calories. A easy 1 ½ cup of ice cream has 420 calories. Remember to look at the serving size and the calorie count, knowing this is sometime you need to take into consideration for weight control.

Meat and Protein-Rich Foods is the same measure of 2 per day for children and adults. Samples of servings are 2-3 ounces of meat, 4 tablespoon peanut butter, 2 eggs, or ½ cup tuna. A balanced diet is not complete without the meat group.

A balance Diet Needs the 7 Food Groups


A balance Diet Needs the 7 Food Groups